resolution showed that if united, african countries can successfully pile pressure on the israeli apaffery isolate the regime internationally. what's your opinion on this? so uh, first. things first, i think we first of all need our african body, the africa union to to to cancel this observer status of israel with the chair of the africa. union unfortunately granted israel without consultation and democratic consensus within the african union, so we need to get our house in order on the african continent and get the eu, and the eu has made a statement calling for humanitarian support, but more so we need to put our footwear mouths and eject israel from au and not allow it its observ status, we also need as as all african countries is to make sure that we call not only for the ejection of israel from the african union, but we demand as african people that all african countries should cut diplomatic ties with the upperside israel without any conditions whatsoever. well, there you have it, the people of africa are demanding that their governments should cut of ties with the israeli apart reg