. >>> coming up, apair marshal owing accused of endangering the flying public. >> and a close eye on traffic conditions this morning. no b.a.r.t. service today. you are looking live at the golden gate bridge. you have some fog, but light traffic so far. that certainly will change a single ember from a wildfire can travel over a mile. that ember can ignite, and destroy your home or community. you can't control where that ember will land. only what happens before it does. visit fireadapted.org to learn how you can help protect your community from wildfires. >>> this morning breaking news. no b.a.r.t. trains are running because the unions are on strike. talks broke down yesterday afternoon after a marathon 30 hour bargaining session. b.a.r.t. is offering limited bus service this morning. we have details coming up with more live team coverage on the b.a.r.t. strike. >>> and we're keeping an eye on all the bay area roads today, as well. >> we'll check in with dick espy. he's behind the wheel joining us live. >> reporter: if you're on 101 headed toward the city -- that's correct. i'm on 10