looking at your own vision and for what apalachicola look like 50 years from now if mountain top removalis banned, is it realistic without mining jobs to see it as a growth area? if not, where is the growth come from? >> of course, something does need to be done with the 800 mountain tops that have already been leveled, and is not strip malls, which is what the coal companies have suggested hillbillies' do with this now flat land that they allege we so desperately need. i believe that the federal dollars and the state dollars that are being set aside to invest in clean energy jobs absolutely should go first to apalachicola. our environment is ravaged and contaminated by the practices, the mitigation something which defenders of wildlife need to begin immediately. industries are kept out by coal companies' collusion and berries and other practices to keep employable people exclusively dependent on coal related jobs, and of course, the next bigg industry is health care, because as michael hendricks in his research and writing partner are doing the science to show a causal links between coa