apapril 11, 2019. protesters in sudan'n's capital celebrate the removal of the dictator.he months they had risked their lives on the streets had not been in vain. it was there i met a phototographer in the middle e f the revolution. >> my pictures are for the comiming generationsns. the experience of the people in my photo should not be forgotten. >> it was a time of violence. authorities often attacked the prototesters. >> t the government hass to brbg justicee to the p people that d. we are alilive because of them. everything that hahappened is becaususe they sacrificed their lives. >> their families have not yet seen prosecutions. i asked thehe prime minister abt this issue back in february. >> the constitution is guiding this with h a very clear undertrtaking that we establblih investigation committee. >> a new government was sworn in in august. after a transititional deal was struck between civilians and the military. al bashir is in prison for corruption while his former ruling party has been dissolved. sudanese officials have suggested they might even turn him over