apartmmnt perry hall...//. ááflamesáá broke out....on tte balcony...// of..... 7 o'clock.../ last night...///.ááyouáá can see... the... damage.../// ááasáá crews.../ try... battling.../ heavy billowing... from the .../ roof...//áánoáá one... was hurt....// áánoáá word ...on a.../ cause...//. tonite... p we... know the name... of the woman .../ killed.../ in... a... hii and run.../ in... baltimore county...///. áápoliceáá... say... beverly moore.../ was... struck.../ last night...// at... 7-- courts.../ and... nevesscourr.../ in... perry hall...///. áápoliceáá... are... looking for.../ a... 2005... too.. 2007.../ light colored... ford 500.../ áásimilaráá... to... this picture.../ ááifáá... you have... any inffrmation...//, ááyou'reáá... assed... to call..// police. we'vv learned the - baltimore city firr department has suspeeded its dive team involving a team member. keith daniels, live at the inner harbor where there's word the team is suspended pendinn the outcome of an investigation.. keith. 3 jennifer.... if you fall into e inner harbor.. or any other body