they put out an apb, checked the morgues, hospitals, jail system.m this james, some others-- says there were no other relatives.. jeffries: they got dementia written down, question mark, case was filed pending more info. mm-hmm, but then, in '94, james petitioned the court to declare grandma dead. that allowed him to collect on a $50,000 life insurance policy. well, it won't buy you the 76ers, but it does give you motive. mm-hmm. what about the moving company? does james work for one? haven't made that connect yet. but we're thinking he's the caller? vera: rush. line two. it's him. any way to trace this, boss? we wish. detective rush. i don't like that you said that. said what? that i just like talking to police. i wouldn't be doing this if i didn't have to. so, why are you doing this? listen, james, i'm just trying to do my job here. still there? i'm here. are you surprised i know your name? uh... guess not. look, did you find the body? james, the best thing for you is to come in to police headquarters. just tell me, yes or no. dmv photo. i know yo