i apeciate that he wanted to bring a bill to the floor that honors the budget control act. disagree with the tactic of putting a reinforcement of the sequester into the law. it exists. we have to do the sequester unless we can head it off. unless the safety of our troops and their training, our national security, the educion of our children, the safety of our neighbors, unless that takes precedence over protecng tax breaks for corporate jets, businesses that send jobs overseas, the list goes on and i mentioned it now mo than one time. so i urge my colleagues to think carefully about this vote. this isn't a vote to shut down government or not. that vote will come another time. the senate isn't going to accept this bill. the senate is not going to accept this bill. we'll send back another bill and see how many votes there are on the republin side to keep government open because we have absolutely no intention of having the government shut down. we'll see how many republican votes there are for that, for a bill, that it will be a better bill than this, although -- and what tha