. -- bike lane apepeared. it was fast and easy and everybody needs to tolerate what is best. having more soccer fields for our kids is best. >> i am a 33-year resident of the city. i have raised three natives into ardent soccer players. i'm glad that people are here to preserve it and defend it. their efforts are misguided and at times, disingenuous. we are not converting a woodland medco. this has been a playing field since 1938. what this debate is about is about hours of play vs. how much tax dollars are available for recreation. grass is great. when the money vote comes and and the city has too much money, let's go back to grass. the turf has been a terrific success. several other fields, it has brought more people in there in the evening in people to play soccer in the evening. they tend to be older than 16. there are many adult soccer teams in the city. they play on the turf fields and they have been a terrific success. half the have not threaten the health and safety of those players. it will not threaten anyone at golden gate either. please trust this appeal. this has