they were app gettic. we are sorry this happened. he said.ave since improved our security procedures ann will continue to do so when the weeks to come. we're doing everything in our power to prevent this from happening again. it seems same old same old to me. sorry, we fixed it. can we believe it. >> no. i mean, unfortunately is the mantra we're hearing. the real one should be what i call the three m. minimize risk of exposure, monitor, and manage the damage. >> all right. before you get there. i don't want to leave kick stater yet. a lot of people particularly in our audience are interested in the company would like to invest in some of the companies on the website. would you recommend that at this time? >> again, i think if we're going stop working with companies that have a breach issue there may be nobody left. every company will be breached a victim of identity theft. that being said, certainly the kick starter people you have a password you use for all websites. kick starter one. you need to change them pronto. >> you shouldn't have don