so the appellant klipp stated the removals were accelerated. and the removals are a result of deferred maintenance. some of this maintenance there's never been a dedicated funding for. we are referring to the works first. we are going into neighborhoods that have the highest concentration of trees and we are addressing those needs. this year, thanks to awareness of the board and mayor and advocacy from neighbors, nonprofits in a lot of our community activists we have a significant increase in funding for tree placement as well as tree planting. appellant klipp stated our effort to soften the blow by planting other basins failed. we did have 6 of the 37 trees get vandalized. that wasn't 100 percent. that was 6 trees that were vandalized. we regret that. we are taking steps to make sure that doesn't happen again. the appellant cieutat states there's no evidence of harm to persons or property. while there's significant property damage and two injuries to people the goal of the program is to prevent harm to persons or property. we don't want to wai