most traded barren applauseas.hese bonuses, purposely undesirable and poorly maintained because they did not want anybody to gather in front of their buildings. a step up design wise was called liberty applausea park and became a popular spot in warm weather after an $8 million renovation following 9/11 when it was renamed by its new owner brookfield properties. precisely because of the park, and here you see it on a normal day, because the park was not public, it wasn't subject to the rules that govern public parks by the prohibition from sleeping overnight. i kept a photograph of this. this was the original sign that told you what you could not do in zucotti park. you couldn't roller skate. skateboard. bicycle. that is a short list. this is now a list of the things you can no longer do in zucotti park. you can't put up a tent. you can't lie down. you can't sit for a long period of time. ou can't put your bags down. in other words you can't sit in zucotti park and stage a protest. but it was of course a place that