you know, applebes or chili's or thank god it's friday, that would invite people i thought folks have a drink presidential debates. i would love him to invite people from both sides to have discussions. mayb you can have a half our presentation beforehand that would include a little rachel matter, a little riley, a little overman. also a letter their news are. some of my friends on npr. and then kick off the conversation that would at least try to bring people together. politics needs to be fun. i think oneof my biggest criticism of the way we deal with politics is we get so serious about that we forget in our history, politics was once a great form of mass entertnment. people what to political rallies for goodness sake, because they like seeing their friends. they like getting together. we have lost the fun in politics, and so because i have noted that you have such a warm spirit, and charging you with restoring fun. [laughter] >> and politics. and gary bass, all journalists are for transparency and disclosure. so i salute you and your work. i also salute you for your work on behalf