this applieses to any. once they move to the middle-class they develop very strong disincentives to violence. you would lose your family, your job, and you would be a par rye an inyour community. if you don't have a lot of lucrative opportunities, ahead of you, then you don't have a lot of disincentives to violence. that's why it is the young low income male that's most likely to engage in this violence, and be a part of this culture. so, i think the cure, for this culture of violence is the movement to the middle class. by the way, this is not just spec -- speculation. when i studied, it, the pre-19 40s, periods i saw very high crime rates, among mexicans who came in 1920, and, south they were italians who came, in 1900 and 1910. the italians melted in the melting pot. they moved to the middle-class. they moved up the ladder, and, of course, they shed their involvement with violent crime. this also happened to the irish who had very high rate of violent crime in the 19th century. once they were able to mov