let me bring mel back in, i want to show this clip, it involves apu, let‘s have a look.egins at birth. claw and bite for position. barely enough tuition money for two. rest of you, better luck next life. some people say that that voice, that depiction, is racist, what do you think? yeah, i feel like especially in the last 12 months, the outcry has been louder. people are offended by apu. when a whole country culture is saying let‘s switch things up. we have had apu for 30 seasons, why are we still tapping into these racial stereotypes? 0bviously, there‘s groundskeeper willie, and there are other characters that might be stereotypical of certain countries. but i think when it comes to apu, there‘s a lot of people saying, i am offended, because that is how my dad is treated when people impersonate me, that is what they sound like. it is issue where a lot of people are offended. bill, i know you no longer work on the show. you will have heard that criticism. well, actually, i don't know the episode or the season, but i am pretty sure apu has been retired for exactly those r