now, aulaqui is a significant asset to aqac. his outreach to english speakers, expanding the pool of mujahedeen far, far beyond arabic speakers and also appealing to individuals who can more easily pass underneath our radar. but allacki is not thelary of aqap. there are yemenis and saudis and others who are the formal leaders and the operational leaders. and we have a tendency sometimes in kind of popular counterterrorism to latch onto one individual whom we can identify, we know -- we can know the name and it's a mistake for the individual to -- for the organization or for the real -- the real leadership. i don't doubt at all that, you know, the professionals across the street over at langley or over at the white house get this. but i think sometimes the media or journalists tend to be a little bit careless in the way they report the roles of these individuals. thanks. >> i'm holly williamson. thank you for your presentation. we are now today in this town looking at a lot of important programs on the budgetary cutting block. i'