[laughter] for years i have warned you about these depraved aquatic avians. for six years now two male penguins named harry and petter have lived together as a nesting couple at the san francisco zoo, making them the second gayest birds america has ever seen. now, folks, it's not just san francisco now. gay penguins have appeared in germany, china and toronto. it's so bad they've even inspired a hit children's book "and tango makes three," which paves the way for such sordid future titles like "good night morals" and "green eggs and dan." but finally, finally... [applause] there's some good news on the gay penguin front. jim? >> remember the toronto zoo's so-called gay penguins buddy and pedro? rest let's saw it may have been a passing phase. there was an uproar a few months ago when the zoo announced the two male african penguins would be separated. buddy and pedro were considered gay g'day as they preferred to do everything together. it turns out after their bromance breakup, both buddy and pedro have take on the female mates and according to zookeepers are