discuss the violence in iraq in more detail and its cause of course the president of the arab lawyers association is familiar with the situation in the country mr mccarthy thank you so much for joining us here on r t now give us your opinion on why you think of the year to this year in fact has become the deadliest since two thousand and eight what's behind this current surge in violence. must be the failure of the government this government is failing to protect the people because this is the duty of any government and why the government is failing because the politics that is being played by the prime minister mr maliki at the moment it's feeding into the various sectarian fighting it's feeding into the. idea that somehow everybody keeps. i think it's it's really this is really wrong to do so because it's diverting the actual attention the thing that tension from the actual problem the failure of the government is the one which is the police authorities to the sectarian based rather than national one. information available they don't exchange information they don't investigate any of the issues