thanks for being with .aractersd solomon really exist? many historians today are divided over those questions. today we'll meet two archeologists who are digging up parts of david's life. >> george: and what they have found supports the biblical accounts, down to the smallest details. gordon robertson takes us to the site of one of david's greatest victories, the valley of el a. ela. >> gordon: here in jerusalem, his name is everywhere. david is the most famous king in israel's history. but some say he wasn't the great rural described in the bible. one israeli archeologist said that david and solomon did not rule over a big territory. he was a small chiefton, very poor. >> this is a great chief, if you want to call king david a chief or king solomon a chief. this is a great chief and this is a huge tribe. >> gordon: others say he never existed at all. even a professor of biblical studies, who insisted, i am not the only scholar who suspects that the figure of king david is about as historical as king arthur. >> these guys said they didn't