god and heaven in those towering rocky mountains, i grew up at 8,500 feet on the edge of arapaho national forest, even still, i found my freedom here in the deepest, dankest, some people would say dirtiest mud in north america. and decades later, i'm still finding myself inexplicably drawn inwards and deeper and deeper into this mud of the mississippi river. so this plaque, "utram bibis undam" is fulfilling the wishes of sean "danger" rowe, who was my partner, and blood brother, and soulmate, who i graduated from high school with. and then later, he passed away in a tragic death. and so, this week, we're going to complete something that has been causing me bad dreams and uncomfortableness, and that is the disappearance of a plaque that we put up 10 years ago and the need to revisit. and especially now, during the pandemic, i have some deep, deep feelings about this and deep reasons that this needs to be done now. [crickets chirping] [water trickling] [birds chirping] [traffic humming] [dog barking] [dog barking] [motor hums] [tool banging] - now this is our canoe shop. and as you can see, we hav