draft minutes for the arc february 21,, march 21 hearings as well as the regular hearing from may 2,018. i have no speaker cards. >> commissioner, any comment on the draft minutes? >> does any member of the public wish to comment on the draft minutes of february 21arc, march 21arc, or may 2hpc? seeing and hearing none, we will close public comment. do i have a motion to adopt the amendments? >> yes, i so move. >> second. >> thank you, commissioners, on that motion to adopt the minutes for february 21 and march 21arc and the may 2 regular hearing of on that motion, commissioner black. >> yes. >> a commissioner johns. >> commissioner johnck. awe question question. >> commissioner matsuda. >> yes. >> commissioner hyland. >> commissioner wolfram. that passes unanimously 6-0. and that places us on item five, commission comments and questions. >> seeing no comments or questions, we can move on. >> a very good. we will take up the matter of continuance and we will take up item nine as there is a request from the public for under the regular calendar. there is no consent calendar. so we will