the east side of the spring river and it's exactly the kind of land they're used to it's always arca plur. lookin you know across the river is those hard blows. in the big bluff road occur. is called the devil's. the reason it's called rome is because they got there and they were working on how to get across the rest of there and when home and the devil was marching praying open down top of the blood and everyone who tried to swim across and drown. so they couldn't cross the river is the only cross. the quapaw is were removed from their original lands and place right here on a reservation inside indian territory seventy years before the war was struck oklahoma wasn't even a state back then most of the or was on land so the mining companies lease tribal land and allotments to start this operation the story about land is a story about land owners. and the stories as much as it is american. story changed forever once the miners sunk that far scheft. they hit a huge vein that moved northeast through put snow card and picture that became the picture field that was the boom and there was a huge