so we are entrusted to the hollywood rhode island call latin ordinary, archbishop corteleone, and he was visiting us just this last january 7th for our christmas. so we were delighted to have him and we rejoice in his support for us. >>> and to me it's an exotic world. can you reassure us, the services are english. >> it's the catholic eucharist in the byzantine form and fulfill your sunday obligation by joining us. we have a lunch afterwards to which everyone is invited. and we are getting more and more people coming because they enjoy it. >> i think i will be there. now, it's interesting in my view, last year was the year, anniversary of phatama, it is a western event, but your church is russian catholic -- byzantine catholic church of lady of phatama. fill us in what it means we have consecrated ourselves to her heart. i know you have byzantine icons. >> the heart in the biblical sense refers to the person himself or herself. and in this case our lady. her intimate, her unique self. no one else. mary, what is unique about her? the center and core of her interior life, of her love