others include lord staas van der winst and archbishop ketering who was born in 1146, making him younger than many florida voters. (laughter) and jake rush was once an actual ala'chua county sheriff deputy where his role playing experiences were considered an advantage when applying for undercover work. bad news, criminals, he's not actually a drug dealer, he's chazz darling, vampire cop. (applause) so-- so who will be florida's next tea party congressman, to find out i sat down with jake rush in tonight's better know a challenger. >> good evening. welcome. for joining me here so close to midnight. (laughter) the witching hour. are we not-- why aren't new character. >> i thought-- . >> stephen: i thought we were going to role play. >> no, stephen. >> stephen: no? well, i feel like an idiot. i'm sorry, i'll be right back. hi, sorry about that. i just-- i'm sorry. anyway, jake, thanks so much for talking to me today. >> thanks for having me, stephen. >> stephen: tell me about the fighting third. >> third district of floor is da is north central florida that goes from northwest ocalaa to th