. >> reporter: archbishop william laurie said he visited the vatican 7 weeks ago and saw no signs of the pope slowing down, muff less resigning. >> the minute i heard about it, i was surprised. i certainly didn't expect to hear that this morning. >> reporter: installed by pope benedict xvi as the 16th archbishop of baltimore, williams said the he saw no signs of the pontiff's imminent retirement. >> he spoke once again about baltimore. and so, the holy father's mental alertness and acuity certainly seemed pretty wonderful to me. >> reporter: while the last pope to resign did so 600 years ago, the archbishop says benedict may be renouncing the rest of his time to prayer. >> this is a solemn occasion for us of course, but i hope we recognize the humanity of this pope who recognized that the stamina required for this role wasn't his any longer. he really announced this to the whole world. that takes a marvelous, holy, and strong person to do this. i would like to recognize that at this moment. >> reporter: in a statement, average bishop williams' predecessor grant laurie called this a s