archie clemmon is here in texas. they come back in the spring of 1865 defining that formal civil war is over and that there is a domestic reconstruction beginning in missouri. now, missouri goes ahead of the union and is a republican government, the republican party is created by the war, almost non-existent in 1860. but the strongest unionists, the ones in the malitia movement, those in the most active become republican. so they met and carry out state emancipation. they, again, are not covered by part of the union confederacy. and later on when the reconstruction acts are not passed, it does not cover missouri. so they enact what is called the ironclad oath where you have to swear that you did not do one of 86 different acts of disloyalty in order to vote, preach the gospel, be a corporation officer, to serve on juries, et cetera. there is a sort of soft conservative unionist movement. they are reunionists but not so strong of unionunionists. they are called radicals, but we shouldn't refuse them with the radical r