archie espinosa decided to head down. he and reynante work for the non-governmental organization c-3. the seagrass the dugong feeds on is tiny, barely even visible. the dugongs have to root through the seabed for it. they need some 25 kilos of it per day. unfortunately, i never got this close. these images were taken by a local diving school. they're the last surviving dugongs along this coast -- there are no more than about six or eight of them left. a protected area for them is long overdue. archie and reynante regularly log the condition of the meadows. reynante ramilo: we record the seagrass species. the segment is one meter by one meter. we record the percentage of cover, the depth, the substrate -- if it is sandy or muddy. >> seagrass is very sensitive to pollutants. and more and more seagrass meadows are being cleared for commercial seaweed farming. reynante and his team are trying to convince local villagers to help set up protected areas. fishermen report where and when they've sighted dugongs. the team uses the