, archik, archik, archik, archik, my sunshine, no, he is now, archik, archik, do you remember me, archiknot a shelter, thank you very much, thank you, i thank you so much for our friend, i’m so glad to see him, archik , come to me, come here, hello, artenya , come here, artchik, don’t immerse your girlfriends there , go, my little cod, why are you so sad, why are you so sad, my darling, don’t you remember? do you remember how we played with you, little boy, archik, archik, you’ve grown up, how calm he is, you can’t even imagine what he was like, like that, yes, now he’s going to break up, no, he is like that, iren, he is like that, yes , he also has a very terrible story, and the buildings were destroyed, neli and i were just going there, feeding the animals, we were already with we talked to irina, she gave us some. yes, and we went to feed, well, in areas where the military had already let us in, because they often saw us, they knew that we were feeding animals, and we passed by the building, just fed cats, dogs, those that had already approached us , at that moment we were walking, an