communities as far as mountaintop removal what it's doing to those kids in the mining industry to archimedes with the probate the giant hole what what it's actually doing to our children the governor made a statement our kids are our future my argument he said i are most open for our kids up north fork don't have them are. burning of coal for over a century has been one of the most deadly things there and humans have done through the air around them even after one hundred years of burning coal and after one hundred years of so-called improvement of air quality according to the american lung association twenty four thousand people a year still die prematurely from air pollution from coal plants in the united states almost forty percent of the carbon dioxide emissions come from coal one of the things that has to happen is that the politicians the leaders of the administration as well as congress state legislators and administrations in the states all those leaders have got to finally say ok we want to call in the two thousand election in west virginia was widely credited with giving. president