arevalo lomas was a traditional healer, a leader in her community, and an indigenous rights activist. on thursday, she was shot twice by an unknown gunman who fled on a motorcycle. on friday, an angry mob surrounded 41-year-old sebastian woodroffe, a canadian man they blamed for lomas's death, before dragging him away and lynching him. police say they're looking into whether woodroffe had anything to do with arevalo lomas' killing and are investigating both murders. in armenia, thousasands of protesters defied popolice crcrackdown and rallied in the capital yevavan sunday,, demanding the releasase of a opposisition leaders a and callg on long-time leadeder serzh sargsyanan to step down.n. protesters are accusing sargsyan of clinging to power after he served two terms as the country's president, then led a campaign to make the role of the presidency ceremonial while elevating the position of prime minister and assuming thatat ro. at least 200 people have been arrested as police have sosought unsuccessfully to stop the ongoing protests. back in the united s states them arizona pupublic