where'd she get those, argos? well, obviously not all-- or maybe her antenna was broken. replaced it with a coat hanger. ( shouting continues ) ( phone ringing ) are you okay? yeah, i'm okay. hi, jo. so, karen's finally started her project, has she? yeah. how much of it has she done? oh, you know... quite a bit. she, uh, wrote the word "africa." oh, here we go. everybody does it. i mean, helena's mum obviously did her clouded leopard project for her. i mean, helena can barely hold a pencil, let alone construct a scale model of the karakorum mountains. so, was that jo? mm. so, you're still friends, then? that's good. yeah, why wouldn't we be? no reason. no. so, what did she want? she just wanted me to say that she was round here if her dad rings. w-well, where is she? you didn't ask? didn't sound like i want to know. duh. but you know you shouldn't lie-- if i know it, then there's no need for you to tell me. well, how do we play that one? that-- do we phone her dad, or... oh, god knows. oh, this is a complicated age, isn't it? i'm programmed to kiss sore knees and push swi