so, i called up my friend a ari aton, a theologian and activist who grew up in a family and spends hise promoting dialogue between the seculars and the haradi in israel. i've heard that a lot of them, that their phones, even their smart phones are filtered, they are not connected to the internet. >> not only the internet. there is this kind of culture you can only make phone calls and not even receive text messages. >> it's all about keeping the world at bay. it's all about that. what's all this? >> this is the internet. >> this is the haradi internet? >> this is the portal. you have different announcements. this is an announcement of the rabbi that passed away. it's an old word from yiddish. >> these posters are just a way for an insulated community to communicate with each other? so, i've heard that even with some of these, they can actually be very personal in nature, almost like, you know, so and so showed too much leg. or, you know, something like that. almost a shaming, public shaming. >> it's a low-tech style of shaming. >> almost a way of policing the morals of the community. >