back-and-forth either through the media or maybe it was natural public setting involving you and arianna huffington about the blogs. >> that was that the senate. >> and you were quoted as saying that you like to see a blogger cover city commission meeting or something to that of white. can you go over the difference the traditional journalism outlet and the blogs as of tuesday of a challenge in the quality of content bear? >> i do believe in unprofessional journalism, i don't believe in sabellas -- i don't believe in the bloggers as anything other than an additional resources that can provide raw information and that can then be sent -- synthesized. i believe that journalism is a craft and profession and then you pay people to edited to and the failings of the internet to provide a professional product are it. an obvious. anybody who is actually been in journalism but i will give you just one of them. the best editor i worked with, one of the two best editors was a guy named steve luxembourg who some may know from the washington post, a really great guy. steve could make it story disappeared with t