. >> for "the list," i'm arie ariel wexler. >> doctors have come up with a way ipad can help discover concussions which impact more than 150,000 student athletes every year. it's a game-kanger. >> it's a score where the hardest hit often gets the loudest cheers. but these days, there's less clapping and more concern. gllt that's because new technology is uncovering concussions that, in the past, might have gone undiagnosed. >> it had multiple symptoms. >> symptoms that are now easier to pinpoint with an app. >> you equip this with this tool and then we found different uses for this. >> inside every ipad ii is a gyroscope which they use to test in three main areas. balance, coordination and reaction time. >> it's like doing a sobriety test. snant snapshot of where the brain is. >> a snapshot is taken at the start of the season and then, again, post-injury. that was when todd was a kid. his son, danny, is a defensive end. and he's thankful times have changed. technology that helps diagnose, and treat when it's safe for an athlete to help return to the game. >> it's a big difference. it