back as you start an answer rather question by the same argument economists will argue including ariel roubini that it actually could be good for the u.s. if we start seeing so much trouble in europe in japan because then investors will undoubtedly flock to whatever they still think is the safe the save bet out there which are u.s. treasury bonds but do you think of that is sustainable or could there be a bubble going on this is the big. bird i mean. in this country is three point six percent europe's. job numbers which. go ahead with your jet plane to baby point two percent twenty basis points so we have a real interest rate in this country she said the other one hundred dollars will do so look i'm going to give united states. by supply. and the only is the state is stationed skyrocketing. only then will we ever notice fresh deflationary depression that's not very good as either it was good last year and what you did last yes to the question again i don't want some. yes i definitely prefer it if you did so since we're talking about greece i just think of this is something that most americans