arif seemed to be very genuine.t a year preparing to be baptised but i've heard of many cases of iranian refugees who have been baptised in a very short time after converting. there are no exact numbers for how many iranians have been baptised across europe in recent years. many of them come to christianity through cyrus church, one of the largest persian churches in europe, famous for sharing their activities online. their leader, masoud, has baptised literally thousands of iranian converts from the streets of paris to turkey. he tells me he himself got baptised on his first day in the netherlands, over 17 years ago. soon after converting, masoud set up his church here. masoud often lets refugees stay with him while they are waiting to hear about their asylum claims and he introduces me to a man, we will call him said, who admits he only converted as he thought it would help his case. i became a christian to live in the netherlands. it was the best possible option. there was no other way, when i came here. most ira