a high school student from kirov, arina stroeva, is sure that a scientist should not be breadcrumbs.been dancing since childhood and plans to become a hydrogen energy researcher. my parents raised me in such a way that i needed to be a versatile person, so i was interested not only in the exact sciences, but also in creativity, and probably, like all girls, as a child i dreamed of being a princess, and then an actress, so i went to the boris shukin theater institute , for me this is in some way fulfilling a childhood dream. exactly 100 years ago, a student of the great theater reformer konstantin sergeevich stanislavsky, actor and director yevgeny vakhtangov, became the head of the student theater studio. on october 23, 1914, vakhtangov gave his first lecture in the studio, this day is considered the birthday of the vakhtangov school. a student of vakhtangov and the leading artist of his theater, boris shukin, himself staged performances and taught in the vakhtangov studio at the theater. it’s so good that in 1939, a theater school was named after him. after the great patriotic war,