arista, my love, i am proud of you, i love you both body and soul, now i only want one thing, that youease to thank heaven, you, who also went through hell and conquered the peaks, we were supposed to meet and get together forever. keep, oh, i conjure you, keep our connection forever. i can't live without your love. maybe i'm too proud. to admit this , i still know that my breath, my mind, my dignity , all my tenderness are destined for you alone, no, this is not baby talk, not childishness, this is a letter from a wounded woman, who has suffered, experienced a lot and gives you feelings so fresh and young , which she has never experienced before, don’t forget about this, always try to be gentle with me, just like these days when you made me the queen of the world, my love , i need your love and tenderness, i am yours, create from me whatever you want, your soul, maria, well, of course, when you receive such a letter, you are scared, you must correspond, or how... men, you must give more, and he could have thrown gold and diamonds at her feet, but he was not like that generous, not so