fall of his position in the international arena could lead to not only we saw what was happening to arkadinov the bunker saw it and he was afraid that he was afraid that i didn’t have you so much to offer the west, let’s go we free you from putin and you help us force ukraine to offer something like more lenient conditions of capitulation and that is why the first one to make an excavation at once 4 mm at a time by magic and go in the same direction and the only thing that will save his life is to agree with his environment. about the fact that they send him to some center of ancient chinese medicine for treatment and announce that comrade putin made a number of serious mistakes in ukrainian issues. now we ask everyone to correct this the only chance for the ego to live, but this is, so to speak , in perspective, until putin has been tied to the tails of some bay stallions or to some wheel or bumper of kadyrov's tachanka and rolled, so to speak, across the entire middle russian highlands, this is in the plans here we have another extremely specific case, it is about an application from the uk