in this sense, i completely agree with him, just as in the assessment of arkady petrovich gaidar.self, it suddenly, completely randomly, reveals the secret power of socialist realist novels, the graphomaniac of mikhail gromov, that is , the ability, after reading the book from beginning to end from the first to the last character, to suddenly be filled with grace, to comprehend the power, power, meaning, patience, and to join some truly practically religious, but openly communist grace, the ability to penetrate the secrets of the book of gromov, as usually with ilizav , it is outsiders, hard-drinking workers, lumpy intellectuals, old ladies from a nursing home, that is, people who have from the most humiliated strata , which, as a rule, in general are the electorate of all marxist parties, books give some spiritual uplift and some happiness, they are hunted by different sects of these readers who arrange contractual battles with each other using... edged weapons with flails, pikes, knives and tds, only firearms are excluded, because deaths from these fierce battles can only be pas