look at might we demonstrate coming off the arleigh burke or george w. bush or uss philippine sea.ng command position from the bridge which demonstrates what we're capable of doing. martha: you're so right about that. and, leslie, as david rightly points out, this reaction we're seeing it is possible it might not have happened at this point had it not been for awful videos we saw of beheadings of american and british citizens. that element of this has been extremely powerful for this enemy as well. >> oh, definitely. david, one cocktail together and now we're in agreement 100%? >> you finally come over to the right side. >> no, no. i think this is what we're, seeing here, this morning we have a united states of america on this issue and we have united world against this enemy. and i think, when you have isis tweeting with people and 20-somethings worldwide perceiving these murderers being cool, if you will, it is essential that this imagery is out. not only showing that the united states does what it says, regardless who our leader is, quite frankly. look at the might of our milita