gary ackley was related to the first murder victim, arlene jensen. ey lived with arlene's daughter and they had two children together. when questioned by police, ackley said he loved his common law mother-in-law and was devastated by her murder. but family members said that was a lie. >> well, he didn't like her. and it was no secret she didn't like him. but no one in the family did like him. >> their relationship can best be described as being acrimonious. arlene jensen was concerned about the welfare of her daughter whom she believed was at least verbally and psychologically being abused by gary ackley. >> arlene also didn't like the way ackley treated her grandchildren. >> when she would express those concerns, particularly in the presence of gary ackley, it became quite apparent that he didn't want her anywhere around. >> and ackley's fights with arlene were well-known to neighbors and family members. >> they got into a disagreement during which gary ackley called her at a minimum a bitch and depending on whose version you believe a [ bleep ]. >>