we have a plan to get arlin working. -- to get ireland working. it is effective to get people working, to get government working. right now public ireland is not working. if they are lucky enough to still have a job, people are working harder than ever, coming up with their plans. have our entrepreneurs who run out of ideas and, they are full of more of them, more brilliant than ever. the trouble is well our ministers have a double job or triple job, government is just not working. the systems people depend on are just not working, or they are not working as well as they should be in the people's interests. with our plan to get ireland working, we will change that. our plan gives credibility and life to what will been in a difficult journey in a better future ahead. the first point is to protect and create jobs, because of jobs and opportunities are the best chance to help our young people at home. we plan to create 20,000 jobs over the next four years, by creating a system that encourages work, by investing an extra 7 billion euro from state pens