esther armah, rob frankin, and robert costa, washington editor at the "national review."'s day. esther, i'm going to start with you. republicans continue to hammer on the changing of the talking points with regard to the benghazi attack. this is darrell issa on "meet the press" this morning. let's take a listen and talk about it on the other side. here it is. >> was the response correct? could it have been better? why weren't things at least tried or revved up to be tried? those are important questions. and then, afterwards, how could you change talking points 12 times from what seems to be relatively right to what seems to be completely wrong? >> is this, esther, a beltway conversation, or is this something that john q. six-pack really cares about sitting at his house in kansas? >> i think it's absolutely about a question. i think there's different realities going on. i think there's always a separation between the issues that politicians are obsessing over in order to score political points, party against party, versus what the majority of american people can care about