armand white. in accepting armand's award, ishmael reed. [applause] >> i really messed up when i have jet lag. so robert anderson was right the first time. [laughter] "nation" magazine asked me to write an essay commemorating their 150th anniversary. i wrote the essay, and they said they weren't expecting it. the title of the essay was when black guys mess up everybody gets paid. so we black men in hands the cotton industry, which made more profit than all of the and industries at the time railroads, banks put together. we even enhanced cable, the cable industry. i wrote an essay some years ago called the black mythology business. 's everybody is getting paid. cnn, they miss oj. [laughter] i wrote a novel with oj in the background called juice. got my best review in china. pretty much misunderstood here. and one of the critics said that everybody is over that. you got to tell that to the espn crew that came to my house a couple weeks ago for five hours. they are doing five hours of oj next year, a series. so some of the critics who don't ge