Feb 25, 2022
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como constructor armando necesita su camioneta yenarla hoy le fue doloroso. >>> esta camioneta cons etes en diciembre?. >>> 90. >>> 30 dÓlares mÁs. >>> en san josÉ 4.84. y en oakland 4.83. >>> el precio del petrÓleo ha subido 100 dÓlares por barril. y cuanto tiempo va a estar su dieta el precio del petrÓleo. el presidente biden en un tweet dijo que su administraciÓn utiliza las he rrams para proteger a los estadounidenses y los negocios de dicho incremento. sufrieron una caÍda y puede que no tenga acciÓn pudiera perjudicar. estÁn ir ver tiendo en la bolsa. quÉ se espera para los prÓximos dÍas. la intercertidumbre lo que reina. y recomendaciones. >>> no se salga del fondo de pensiÓn es bueno ahorrar para el futuro. y su vehÍculo funcione y que estÉn infladas. >>> andrÉs bren der noticiero telemundo 48. >>> veamos ahora estas imÁgenes satelitales. una columna de humo en la base aÉrea. y que segÚn informe fue impactada por un misil. las imÁgenes satelitales de la invasiÓn rusa son limitadas en parte por una capa de nubes que afecta el trabajo satelital sobre todo al sur de ucrania. >>> ¿
como constructor armando necesita su camioneta yenarla hoy le fue doloroso. >>> esta camioneta cons etes en diciembre?. >>> 90. >>> 30 dÓlares mÁs. >>> en san josÉ 4.84. y en oakland 4.83. >>> el precio del petrÓleo ha subido 100 dÓlares por barril. y cuanto tiempo va a estar su dieta el precio del petrÓleo. el presidente biden en un tweet dijo que su administraciÓn utiliza las he rrams para proteger a los estadounidenses y los negocios de...
Feb 7, 2022
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carlos armando estÁ en vivo para ampliarnos la informaciÓn.es hasta el cielo la familia y allegados de alexis se reunieron frente al ayuntamiento de la ciudad de oakley. se encuentra a n milla de donde encontraron el auto de la ahora desaparecida y las personas se reunieron para pedir a la comunidad que se unan en la bÚsqueda. hasta este lugar llegaron decenas de personas, portando camisetas, con la foto o de alexis, folletos e imÁgenes pegadas en los postes y automÓviles. que han hecho hace mÁs de una semana y la desapariciÓn de la joven de 24 aÑos ha sacudido a la comunidad. compartieron historias sobre la amabilidad y el sentido de humor. no hay seÑales de de ella su hermano recalcÓ el descubrimiento del auto de gait. que fue encontrado abierto y con las llaves puestas. >>> (hablado en inglÉs). >>> antes de irse a cualquier lugar le decÍa a una persona adonde irÍa, en el caso de mi hermana es extraÑo, porque siempre mis padres, sus mejores amigos o yo sabÍamos donde estaba. y la policÍa registrÓ una casa de... y tomÓ evidencia se cree que e
carlos armando estÁ en vivo para ampliarnos la informaciÓn.es hasta el cielo la familia y allegados de alexis se reunieron frente al ayuntamiento de la ciudad de oakley. se encuentra a n milla de donde encontraron el auto de la ahora desaparecida y las personas se reunieron para pedir a la comunidad que se unan en la bÚsqueda. hasta este lugar llegaron decenas de personas, portando camisetas, con la foto o de alexis, folletos e imÁgenes pegadas en los postes y automÓviles. que han hecho...
Feb 4, 2022
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. >>> muchas gracias carlos armando cabrera desde san josÉ.(nombre en inglÉs) pero Él fue asesinado cuando conducÍa en la interestatal 80 en el mes pasado hicieron una recordaciÓn con compaÑeros, amigos y familiares. en concorde arrestaron a un hombre luego de robar un banco este miÉrcoles, segÚn informaron las autoridades el sospechoso huyÓ rumbo norte en (nombre en inglÉs) a toda velocidad chocando con otros vehÍculos estacionados hasta ser detenido, hasta el momento se desconoce su identidad. el incendio de dos alarmas que se propagÓ este jueves en el centro comercial de (nombre en inglÉs) estÁ viendo investigado por las autoridades para determinar las causas afortunadamente no se reportan heridos. en san leandro en hombre robÓ un relojes rolex la vÍctima dice que fue perseguida y ahora estÁ tan asustado que ahora vive con sus familiares. les cuento de la pandemia en el nÚmero de casos de covid-19 en el paÍs continÚa aumentando, un recuento ce reciente de nuestra cadena hermana reporta mÁs de 76 millones de contagios desde el inicio de esta
. >>> muchas gracias carlos armando cabrera desde san josÉ.(nombre en inglÉs) pero Él fue asesinado cuando conducÍa en la interestatal 80 en el mes pasado hicieron una recordaciÓn con compaÑeros, amigos y familiares. en concorde arrestaron a un hombre luego de robar un banco este miÉrcoles, segÚn informaron las autoridades el sospechoso huyÓ rumbo norte en (nombre en inglÉs) a toda velocidad chocando con otros vehÍculos estacionados hasta ser detenido, hasta el momento se...
Feb 7, 2022
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incendio y aquí se encuentran las autoridades tratando de controlarlo y hasta aqhi se desplazó carlos armandoera . >> pero está trste debido al incendio que se provocó pero los bomberos tuvieron que solitos pero hay más de 20 carros de bomberos y ahora los resctistas salieron y las autoridades están trabajando para trabaja rl informe que por el momento se cree que fueron municiones y también varios árboles del a zona ardieron n llamas y las construcdciones fueron evacuadas como medisa preventiva ante el peligro que causa y con vientos porque puedan incendiarse y ahora mismo la zona se encuentra cerrada por lo que se le punta del este a los residentes que eviten el cruce y mantenerse en sus casas pero las autoridades no lo han confirmado y nosotros estaremos trabajando para recopilar y primero contigo es el deporte en vivo desde san josé es que en hora de la estar hermanita llegar al escurionista para ser puestos a salvo. >> también en esté reporte pero de hace más de 10 días y miren lo que dijeron las personas de la comunidad. >> s. >> es el que cad día se velve más difícil y así que hay que
incendio y aquí se encuentran las autoridades tratando de controlarlo y hasta aqhi se desplazó carlos armandoera . >> pero está trste debido al incendio que se provocó pero los bomberos tuvieron que solitos pero hay más de 20 carros de bomberos y ahora los resctistas salieron y las autoridades están trabajando para trabaja rl informe que por el momento se cree que fueron municiones y también varios árboles del a zona ardieron n llamas y las construcdciones fueron evacuadas como...
Feb 20, 2022
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para hacer sus plan de viaje >> después de dos años de angustia y mandatos de mascarilla y vacuna armando tiempo >> también las tarifas aéreas son un incentivo. >> viaje hace dos meses y tenían el mismo aprecio que antes >> el precio promedio de vuelo es de 240 y cuatro dólares actualmente lo que se espera mente hasta un 7% hasta junio. en vuelos internacionales la cifra es de 149 y se prevee una aumento de 75% hasta junio. también las búsquedas son orlando las vegas y miami. en la internacionales londres cancún y parís. >> en estados unidos todavía es obligatoria el uso de la mascarilla en el transporte público incluidos los vuelos y se siguen reportando casos de pasajeros que se oponen al mandato como en este caso en que una mujer golpeó a la pide que se cree una lista de prohibiciones, pero los senadores republicanos se opone porque significaría igualar los terroristas >> numerosas calles que rodean el capitolio serán cerradas debido a protestas de camioneros anti vacunas. la medida evitará que los manifestantes siguen en la zona del congreso y bloqueen el área 1 de marzo día del discu
para hacer sus plan de viaje >> después de dos años de angustia y mandatos de mascarilla y vacuna armando tiempo >> también las tarifas aéreas son un incentivo. >> viaje hace dos meses y tenían el mismo aprecio que antes >> el precio promedio de vuelo es de 240 y cuatro dólares actualmente lo que se espera mente hasta un 7% hasta junio. en vuelos internacionales la cifra es de 149 y se prevee una aumento de 75% hasta junio. también las búsquedas son orlando las...
Feb 5, 2022
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tenemos el derecho a defendernos o defender a otros en caso que nos ataquen desde san josé carlos armandore está tras las rejas después que la policía encontró en el patio trasero de su casa el cuerpo de una mujer. ocurrió en un complejo de casas móviles a media milla de la estación de policías. los agentes dice que se investigó cuando la música desapareció buscaron en la casa encontraron el cuerpo ahora está bajo sospecha de homicidio. la policía no habla del supuesto móvil del crimen >> sigue la crisis educativa con la posible captura clausura de varias escuelas el gremio de educadores protesto varios concejales proponen una solución a la problemática andrés nos cuenta >> afuera del ayuntamiento trabajadores de la educación alzaron su voz en protesta por la posibilidad de cerrar escuelas en el distrito >> habrán 3,000,000 de dólares de inversión entre el estado nosotros tenemos modelos escuelas comunitarias no tiene sentido en tanto que habrá una gran inversión a las escuelas estamos por cerrar casi con dos escuelas >> pasa por una crisis financiera por falta de alumnos habían anunciado
tenemos el derecho a defendernos o defender a otros en caso que nos ataquen desde san josé carlos armandore está tras las rejas después que la policía encontró en el patio trasero de su casa el cuerpo de una mujer. ocurrió en un complejo de casas móviles a media milla de la estación de policías. los agentes dice que se investigó cuando la música desapareció buscaron en la casa encontraron el cuerpo ahora está bajo sospecha de homicidio. la policía no habla del supuesto móvil del...
Feb 6, 2022
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seguiremos de cerca esta noticia y le llevaremos a ustedes los detalles, es mi reporte en vivo soy carlos armandoe una serie de robos en diferentes ciudades de la zona, carlos trejos con la operación de las operaciones en conjunto que realizan diversas agencias del orden. >>> hubo un total de 6 robos a mano armada en el condado de fresno 4 en la ciudad y 2 en el condado dice el alguacil del departamento del sheriff. >>> el primero está acá a mis espaldas donde gracias a los videos de vigilancia lograron identificar a un sospechoso el 2° robo ocurrió en una tienda de comida sobre la calle central después de que los sospechosos atacaron también una estación de gas. >>> ahora se unieron a la policía de fresno para capturar a los sospechosos y concluyeron que eran los mismos sospechosos que estaban cometiendo los hurtos. >>> la forma de participar era que esperaban que los clientes se fueran de la tienda y luego se acercaban al mostrador con artículos simulando una compra y luego exigían el dinero de la caja registradora llevándose el efectivo y los artículos sin pagar es un hombre de 27 años de edad
seguiremos de cerca esta noticia y le llevaremos a ustedes los detalles, es mi reporte en vivo soy carlos armandoe una serie de robos en diferentes ciudades de la zona, carlos trejos con la operación de las operaciones en conjunto que realizan diversas agencias del orden. >>> hubo un total de 6 robos a mano armada en el condado de fresno 4 en la ciudad y 2 en el condado dice el alguacil del departamento del sheriff. >>> el primero está acá a mis espaldas donde gracias a los...
Feb 10, 2022
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demorar seis meses y además se espera que traiga un nuevo programa de empleos desde san josé carlos armandocontaremos el porque >> usted va a la playa y es atrapado por corrientes sabe cómo reaccionar? tendremos consejos en el tiempo >> y bueno los deportes como parte la nfl regresará a méxico los detalles del regreso al azteca en los deportes >> y si tiene dudas sobre vacunas y cuevas de covid-19 este jueves tendremos línea de ayuda disponible para responder a las preguntas estaremos desde las cinco de la tarde en el número que puede ver en pantalla anote y se comunica con ellos para aclarar dudas recuerde es mañana ocupada patty. ahora es gigillonaria. ¿gigillonaria? tiene at&t fiber con velocidades hyper-gig... su internet es tan rápido que nos la pasamos viendo series en 8k, sin parar. pero verlas no es lo mismo que hacerlas. mija, sabías que patty... sí, sí... gigillonaria. soy la nueva celebridad de la familia. vive como gigillonario. obtén at&t fiber - ahora con velocidades de hasta 5-gigas. disponibilidad limitada. >> desde este viernes comienzan a funcionar carriles expreso la auto
demorar seis meses y además se espera que traiga un nuevo programa de empleos desde san josé carlos armandocontaremos el porque >> usted va a la playa y es atrapado por corrientes sabe cómo reaccionar? tendremos consejos en el tiempo >> y bueno los deportes como parte la nfl regresará a méxico los detalles del regreso al azteca en los deportes >> y si tiene dudas sobre vacunas y cuevas de covid-19 este jueves tendremos línea de ayuda disponible para responder a las...
Feb 6, 2022
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caso se comunique con la línea de información al (información en pantalla) es un reporte de carlos armandoía el cuarto tiroteo mortal que ocurre en una autopista del este de la bahía en los últimos meses en el mes de noviembre , perdió la vida un bebé de ocho meses tras recibir un impacto de bala semanas después, una mujer de 29 años fue asesinada en la autopista 80 , en el mes de enero en la autopista580 murió el recluta de la oficina del alguacil al ser baleado cerca del puente de la bahía mientras regresaba a casa tenemos no información sobre el caso del fanático de (nombre en inglés) daniel luna dueño de un restaurante y que se encuentra en condición de coma inducido tras ser atacado en el estadio, este viernes brian cifuentes de 33 años se entregó la policía luego de un video de vigilancia mostrar el enfrentamiento que podría haber sido iniciado por una cifuentes fue puesto en libertad bajo fianza las autoridades piden que cualquier persona que tenga información que se comunique con la policía. por otra parte en san francisco un grupo de manifestantes denunció que (nombre en inglés) u
caso se comunique con la línea de información al (información en pantalla) es un reporte de carlos armandoía el cuarto tiroteo mortal que ocurre en una autopista del este de la bahía en los últimos meses en el mes de noviembre , perdió la vida un bebé de ocho meses tras recibir un impacto de bala semanas después, una mujer de 29 años fue asesinada en la autopista 80 , en el mes de enero en la autopista580 murió el recluta de la oficina del alguacil al ser baleado cerca del puente de...
Feb 2, 2022
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. - mi amigo armando navarro y su esposa están muertos.! cc: telemundo network
. - mi amigo armando navarro y su esposa están muertos.! cc: telemundo network
Feb 1, 2022
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imagínate que armando se encuentra allá encerrado con esos bandidos. - tranquilo, que no vamos a perjudicarte
imagínate que armando se encuentra allá encerrado con esos bandidos. - tranquilo, que no vamos a perjudicarte
Feb 20, 2022
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está llamando para hacer sus planes de viaje >>después de dos años de angustia vacunas mascarillas armando aéreas parecen ser incentivos.
está llamando para hacer sus planes de viaje >>después de dos años de angustia vacunas mascarillas armando aéreas parecen ser incentivos.
Feb 18, 2022
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. >>> josé armando cabrera, telemundo 48. >>> el expresidente vicepresidente estará de visita y ha causado la izquierda, práctica que partidarios creen, es una forma de discusión, el evento está programado para las 7 de esta noche. >>> esto le preocupa para futuras generaciones. >>> la sequía que atraviesa el estado podría ocasionar serios problemas para el verano, esto minutos. >>> bello atardecer que se presenta en la isla ángel, vamos a hablar de cinturón de venus y vamos a hablar de pronóstico para nosotros al volver. >>> y vamos a ver un par de duelos de la vibrante europa league incluyendo el partido entre barça y el nápoles y si tiene dudas sobre vacunas hay pruebas de covid 19, puede comunicarse a la línea de ayuda que está en pantalla (ver información en pantalla) tiene hasta las 7:00 de la noche y expertos están respondiendo sus preguntas, regresamos. martina te pide un favor me voy con el hervido al que le pido no va yo me sigo café puede ir mañana voy hace una obra de covid ya sigamos salí mañana nueva junta con la jenny la alcaldesa la alcaldesa de san francisco presentó un pl
. >>> josé armando cabrera, telemundo 48. >>> el expresidente vicepresidente estará de visita y ha causado la izquierda, práctica que partidarios creen, es una forma de discusión, el evento está programado para las 7 de esta noche. >>> esto le preocupa para futuras generaciones. >>> la sequía que atraviesa el estado podría ocasionar serios problemas para el verano, esto minutos. >>> bello atardecer que se presenta en la isla ángel, vamos a...
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the reality to day, as that they brain over financial and property empires, or anthea armando ray r p a z r e ravonne. michelle angelo would walk over here and pick the marble for his sculptures area in march more the pita, the slaves of outdoor love, the dog he chiseled many of his works from the local marble or dora gap regime, increased thugs, or franco martini, is an expert and he owns the famous michelangelo quarry about 1000 meters up on this morning. his machines are cutting a new marble block straight from the cliff face 1st in more than one. he is the mountain griffith and we caught the block out of it. why she found we start at the bottom and drill around besides nice and straight. a partial partial. i got fema is she got written, we used the diamond wire. saw to finish the cart. good. perfect. i'm in that this is the wire. we use a fresh water, cools it down, and the diamond cuts it jamante it used to take 20 days to remove a block. but now it's just 10 hours at most. and sometimes even less. sometimes treasurer is found a vein of a pure marble due to its translucence statu
the reality to day, as that they brain over financial and property empires, or anthea armando ray r p a z r e ravonne. michelle angelo would walk over here and pick the marble for his sculptures area in march more the pita, the slaves of outdoor love, the dog he chiseled many of his works from the local marble or dora gap regime, increased thugs, or franco martini, is an expert and he owns the famous michelangelo quarry about 1000 meters up on this morning. his machines are cutting a new marble...
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and there are huge armando plantations and the high quality of forest which can provide, have heater to do in danger. 3 species like tiger or other animals, is actually low active deforestation to make wasteful, farmland and timber production is one reason for the large scale loss of woodlands . and then there is climate change which has taken a heavy toll on our forests. here in germany till, according to the government study, the proportion of unhealthy trees and the country has risen to an 80 percent. and that in turn makes them vulnerable to pests such as the bark patel tree. and normally barbie doll is a part of our ecosystem. they are always there, but nowadays they are, are kind of destroying so many trees because trees are actually weakened 1st by draught and been when some one is already weakened and of 100 ability to disease will really increased and depths, are like human at the same in the trees, germany is home to almost 12000000 hectares of woodland 2 thirds of which are used by the timber industry. spruce, pine and beach trees are grown in minor cultures. trees that ar
and there are huge armando plantations and the high quality of forest which can provide, have heater to do in danger. 3 species like tiger or other animals, is actually low active deforestation to make wasteful, farmland and timber production is one reason for the large scale loss of woodlands . and then there is climate change which has taken a heavy toll on our forests. here in germany till, according to the government study, the proportion of unhealthy trees and the country has risen to an...
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i saw him, but the only land available for an affordable price was here. armando made it cost you around a $1000.00 to clear the trees and roots from just one hector of land. he and his workers have reclaimed a total of 860 hate to his over the past 6 years, the locals, the larger and pavlo, it means a lot for them to see the fields finally back and use again, reward garage. there is no work in our villages. she would yeah. every one just gets by as best they can. it's good that yury has come up. if it weren't for him, we'd have no work rememberable. wish there was, there was a meet the show once a day you re brings his work as a free meal. the wages he pays are above average for ukraine. debt or global audio to come and get some food. and there's some water here to you today with no one here is wide about the threat of radiation, neither the locals nor those who come from the east levels of radioactive, cesium and strontium have indeed more than half of the past 35 years due to natural processes that contaminated soil could still pose a health risk in some areas because remaining radion
i saw him, but the only land available for an affordable price was here. armando made it cost you around a $1000.00 to clear the trees and roots from just one hector of land. he and his workers have reclaimed a total of 860 hate to his over the past 6 years, the locals, the larger and pavlo, it means a lot for them to see the fields finally back and use again, reward garage. there is no work in our villages. she would yeah. every one just gets by as best they can. it's good that yury has come...
Feb 23, 2022
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he has got pretty neat or some armando neza seeing what daughter she asked on the price of the chicken lametre. michelle. but do you put us? i'm not put absolutely mika. she was going to support the shot. you should've been a canal. one thoughts of the story to keep them on. she thought for looking on for a column sent them lots of times you know, supply chain. dora has no data they meant to kill her. so if you got the call back right now with the law college or the term, i mean because she put down some feel kiara that got present on here. i don't see a box. i'm not sure. last lot said of me not. it wouldn't have been the 1st time the troublesome work as a drum silver had been dealt with in the forests. this is linton melissa. melissa has always lived nature in his family just to find history, dogs for his stranger for 30 years, blitzer refused to get involved in the logging of stones, which he says put him on with his peers at rome. silver, who he sees threatened him. there are many, several and more did a 1000 ship within october to him and all me shy this position in 2018. melissa
he has got pretty neat or some armando neza seeing what daughter she asked on the price of the chicken lametre. michelle. but do you put us? i'm not put absolutely mika. she was going to support the shot. you should've been a canal. one thoughts of the story to keep them on. she thought for looking on for a column sent them lots of times you know, supply chain. dora has no data they meant to kill her. so if you got the call back right now with the law college or the term, i mean because she put...
Feb 6, 2022
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but the director says a complete lack of support from the government has slowed their preparations. armando ania has the honduran, i feel ashamed over the handling of the pandemic, how the education system has been deficient. and i dare to say that many teachers have been the ones who rescued education by going the extra mile teachers directors and parents have been attentive to the work that's been assigned. another major obstacle to learning is a lack of internet access. it's estimated that less than 13 percent of households in honduras have access to a computer and internet and last year, as schools remain closed due to pandemic restrictions. as many as 600000 students abandoned the education system altogether. according to statistics from the world bank, the coven 19 pandemic has said back educational efforts in honduras by almost half a decade. in issue, the newly elected president of honduras, seo manor castle, has promised to make a top priority. manuel rap, hello al jazeera san piedro sula honduras, a 2nd sy clone in 2 weeks. it's madagascar bringing strong winds and heavy rain cycl
but the director says a complete lack of support from the government has slowed their preparations. armando ania has the honduran, i feel ashamed over the handling of the pandemic, how the education system has been deficient. and i dare to say that many teachers have been the ones who rescued education by going the extra mile teachers directors and parents have been attentive to the work that's been assigned. another major obstacle to learning is a lack of internet access. it's estimated that...
Feb 14, 2022
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i cannot accept a decision that will cause further damage juggle glue. armando, the top stories on al jazeera, ukraine's president says he's been told that russia will launch an attack on wednesday, but warns his citizens are ready to fight in an address to the nation. vladimir zalinski said he will declare wednesday, a national day of unity and called on ukrainian officials who fled the country to return is comments came after. he talks with the german chancellor in kiev, where he said.
i cannot accept a decision that will cause further damage juggle glue. armando, the top stories on al jazeera, ukraine's president says he's been told that russia will launch an attack on wednesday, but warns his citizens are ready to fight in an address to the nation. vladimir zalinski said he will declare wednesday, a national day of unity and called on ukrainian officials who fled the country to return is comments came after. he talks with the german chancellor in kiev, where he said.
Feb 13, 2022
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still, he says his land is under threat ox, armando. so i've lost half of my crush because the thanks went over them. i've had a piece of land landed with bodily and they completely ruined it. these videos are from his really through his in january. people here say eat structures were demolished, then farmers. we spoke to said they're not leaving their land. some even snuck back in before the end of the drill. they wanted to take care of the cattle and you lamb was born. while some took the risk to return home. others remain without a roof over their heads until they are allowed to go back home. neither abraham l just eda the occupied was thank ah don't forget check on the top stories here. the white house as a phone call between the u. s. on russian leaders on ukraine did not result in any fundamental change. russia's been sending troops to ukraine's border raising fears of an invasion. the crept man said the call was business like, but criticized what it sees as war hysteria in the west. will the cranium, president vladimir zalinski s
still, he says his land is under threat ox, armando. so i've lost half of my crush because the thanks went over them. i've had a piece of land landed with bodily and they completely ruined it. these videos are from his really through his in january. people here say eat structures were demolished, then farmers. we spoke to said they're not leaving their land. some even snuck back in before the end of the drill. they wanted to take care of the cattle and you lamb was born. while some took the...
Feb 12, 2022
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still, he says his land is under threat ox, armando. so i've lost half of my crush because the thanks went over them. i've had a piece of land landed with bodily and they completely ruined it. these videos are from his really through his in january. people here say 8 structures were demolished, then farmers we spoke to said they're not leaving their land. some even snuck back in before the end of the drill. they wanted to take care of the cattle and you lamb was born. while sam took the risk to return home, others remained without a roof over their heads until they're allowed to go back home. neither abraham l just eda, the occupied, was thank a stop presidential election in turkmenistan as likely to be held on march. the 12th preserve, the co bungling belgrade, but went off, reportedly told parliament he had reached a tough decision about his role and he wanted young leaders to steer the oil rich nation. the president san solder is expected to take over authorities in thailand, erasing to contain the 2nd oil spill in less than 3 weeks
still, he says his land is under threat ox, armando. so i've lost half of my crush because the thanks went over them. i've had a piece of land landed with bodily and they completely ruined it. these videos are from his really through his in january. people here say 8 structures were demolished, then farmers we spoke to said they're not leaving their land. some even snuck back in before the end of the drill. they wanted to take care of the cattle and you lamb was born. while sam took the risk to...
eye 46
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don't abandon their own armando, how he got to this current situation. the brakes republics declared independence after western backed uprising over through the government. and you have in 2014 stopped marked the beginning of an ongoing conflict with nearby kev control territories. so that's going to ganske or an eastern ukraine on the border with rushes ra stuff region where vacuum is being taken. many hopes they can one day return to their homes without the constant threats of shilling. pretty close on. but as i came here from dawn back together with my children yesterday, i was walking to work. but it's impossible. so much showing you. they told us about evacuation, and in an hour we gathered everything that we can and came here to. i don't want to come back, it's very dangerous there. i lived there and don't want to anymore. if done best forces are there, it's ok. but as soon as they leave valan bait immediately, he doesn't know how that out. they say if they get to our territory to don death, no one will be left. they won't even stare children, they
don't abandon their own armando, how he got to this current situation. the brakes republics declared independence after western backed uprising over through the government. and you have in 2014 stopped marked the beginning of an ongoing conflict with nearby kev control territories. so that's going to ganske or an eastern ukraine on the border with rushes ra stuff region where vacuum is being taken. many hopes they can one day return to their homes without the constant threats of shilling....
Feb 25, 2022
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many, well, many organizations are come to the combat logins that premier armando dismemberment was silbert. so i think if god, deb, you are huge you for these for many g at is a duty and i support you. i won't go away. so put, you know, i will follow discontinuity so far, the early in the is that any day you from is dead to those do it as thank you very much. thank you for the, with your mom. her i greets you. thank you. so i yeah, the i knew, so my response, what's my, what i so guess. okay, i'm, i'm coming to the community to do one program for women. the program is to use cxa to make women law on our way. can you jack? why don't we of planning on that i react. what are the weather when you are going? oh, i will not gone as well. sure. what was it as to does? no, it is fine. bought you. you bleed, drink a dust because there's no missile different then the judge blow what we'll do teach knock on each ramona what it was, 2 by 3 options. one a little back track. good to go out. you know, i'm gonna trans. okay, i want to do it now. can i make that rosemont got good? no, no long keys? yes and
many, well, many organizations are come to the combat logins that premier armando dismemberment was silbert. so i think if god, deb, you are huge you for these for many g at is a duty and i support you. i won't go away. so put, you know, i will follow discontinuity so far, the early in the is that any day you from is dead to those do it as thank you very much. thank you for the, with your mom. her i greets you. thank you. so i yeah, the i knew, so my response, what's my, what i so guess. okay,...
Feb 21, 2022
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ah armando and i i for it, it's a disease to get zebra 1st generation. and you grew up in new york and you're from dominican republic. you said, yeah. if a group in a new york where our community, you know, sort of the meaning community in washington heights, you know, this hood like, his body was like, felt like home. it felt like the island was brought to this other island. and that was a beautiful thing. yeah, it's been, it was very of going to in my, in my work as an artist. now i'm just talking like dealing with identity. and so that is identity kind of just always comes back to my work and whether it's racial identity like coach identity, figuring out what does it mean when i say i'm dominican? what does it mean where sam ask dominican or afro caribbean what it mean for me to say them brown in this country? i'm also black and white. i'm not black enough. you know, there's this constant pushing pool conversations and dialogue to happen and love. it happens in relationship to others. you know, other people who are in front of me or who seem you try t
ah armando and i i for it, it's a disease to get zebra 1st generation. and you grew up in new york and you're from dominican republic. you said, yeah. if a group in a new york where our community, you know, sort of the meaning community in washington heights, you know, this hood like, his body was like, felt like home. it felt like the island was brought to this other island. and that was a beautiful thing. yeah, it's been, it was very of going to in my, in my work as an artist. now i'm just...
Feb 6, 2022
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i think it's numb but upon us -- incumbent armando's to do everything we can to discourage.cision by himself. he became -- he made it clear from the briefing he is a predator, he's going to see what it costs him and what he gets. and if we put biting sanctions in place right now without delay before an attack, then those will be financial as well as make sure that ukraine has the weapons they need to defend themselves. that's not u.s. troops, that ukraine defending themselves with first-class weapons, then that will make putin think twi twice. >> martha: so if putin roles in, the question is going to become what do we do. do you see something happen here that is some sort of arms agto be in ukraine and then sort of take some arms off the table? i mean, you heard -- i hope jake sullivan moments ago, and there's a commitment to put troops in the region, but not in ukraine, which i think a lot of people agree with. i know you're calling -- your colleague josh hawley agrees with that. but how far are we willing to go is the question. >> senator barrasso: i think putin hasn't mad
i think it's numb but upon us -- incumbent armando's to do everything we can to discourage.cision by himself. he became -- he made it clear from the briefing he is a predator, he's going to see what it costs him and what he gets. and if we put biting sanctions in place right now without delay before an attack, then those will be financial as well as make sure that ukraine has the weapons they need to defend themselves. that's not u.s. troops, that ukraine defending themselves with first-class...
Feb 4, 2022
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i'm emily angland armando, that top stories will sound the 24th winter olympics has officially begun. begging is the 1st city to host both the winter and summer olympics. the build up has been dominated by coven 19 restrictions and diplomatic floyd products. and the games that happening as tensions over ukraine are high between russia and the west. russian president vladimir putin is in china, moscow and beijing se they oppose nato nato expansion. that use of cold war approaches. and south africa's used madonna's code 19 m r n a vaccine to make its own version of the job without magenta's health. it's the 1st of its kind at lab scale only african continent games to tackle global vaccine in the close. northern islands, high court says checks on food from great britain should remain in place for now that suspends an order from a minister to halt custom checks. the european union says that order breached the northern island protocol and agreement between westminster and brussels, signed back in 2020, to implement bricks, it, it's aimed at avoiding border checks between northern ireland a
i'm emily angland armando, that top stories will sound the 24th winter olympics has officially begun. begging is the 1st city to host both the winter and summer olympics. the build up has been dominated by coven 19 restrictions and diplomatic floyd products. and the games that happening as tensions over ukraine are high between russia and the west. russian president vladimir putin is in china, moscow and beijing se they oppose nato nato expansion. that use of cold war approaches. and south...
Feb 5, 2022
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but the director says a complete lack of support from the government has slowed their preparations. armando dania has honduran, i feel ashamed over the handling of the pandemic, how the education system has been deficient. and i dare to say that many teachers have been the ones who rescued education by going the extra mile teachers directors and parents have been attentive to the work that's been assigned. another major obstacle to learning is a lack of internet access. it's estimated that less than 13 percent of households in honduras have access to a computer and internet and last year, as schools remain closed due to pandemic restrictions. as many as 600000 students abandoned the education system altogether. according to statistics from the world bank, the coven 19 pandemic has said back educational efforts in honduras by almost half a decade. in issue, the newly elected president of honduras seo manor castle has promised to make a top priority. manuel to the apollo al jazeera san pedro sula honduras. now, living in the british isles means you'll never fall from the sea, but with climate
but the director says a complete lack of support from the government has slowed their preparations. armando dania has honduran, i feel ashamed over the handling of the pandemic, how the education system has been deficient. and i dare to say that many teachers have been the ones who rescued education by going the extra mile teachers directors and parents have been attentive to the work that's been assigned. another major obstacle to learning is a lack of internet access. it's estimated that less...
Feb 18, 2022
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mark actually talks about pit bull with his given name, armando perez, and he says the partnership theymore involved. the connection sort of organically happened, and we ended up at a seafood restaurant in miami at the end of 2020 just talking about daniel suarez, our driver from mexico, only mexican driver in the sport. we had a lot of synergy between what our missions were. if. >> reporter: daniel suarez is his driver, maria. floyd mayweather, who you mentioned, he didn't have an automatic spot with his team, but they made it. last night his driver qualified, so he'll have an interest on sunday as well, another one of these celebrities. with interesting to watch. maria: connell mcshane, thank you so much. real quick market check, we have reversed earlier moves almost entirely. the market is almost positive right here. dow industrials down just 15, s&p up a fraction, nasdaq up a fraction. headlines coming out of the munich security conference, rising tensions in the donbas region in russia. "varney & company" begins right now. stu, over to you. stuart: all right, good morning, everyone
mark actually talks about pit bull with his given name, armando perez, and he says the partnership theymore involved. the connection sort of organically happened, and we ended up at a seafood restaurant in miami at the end of 2020 just talking about daniel suarez, our driver from mexico, only mexican driver in the sport. we had a lot of synergy between what our missions were. if. >> reporter: daniel suarez is his driver, maria. floyd mayweather, who you mentioned, he didn't have an...
Feb 25, 2022
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jugarÁ la europa league ante el gÁlata saray, despuÉs de imponerse 2 4 la policÍa el estadio digo armandoprotagonizando los deportes. >> y muchos se han pronunciado tambiÉn. carlos: este sÁbado tiene que disfrutar contÓ a la familia los partidos en univisiÓn y tudn, por la tarde arranca la temporada 20 22 mls los Ángeles contra colorado. y mÁs noche en el sÁbado futbolero el clÁsico capitalino pumas contra amÉrica en vivo por univisiÓn y tudn. lindsay: es el arranque de nuestra mls y tambiÉn este clÁsico capitalino que podrÍa determinar el destino, yya saben de quien, desantis solari al amÉrica, creo que por eso no vino. >> yo le voy a los Ángeles. por cierto, hoy no se pueden perder a los mejores y peores vestidos de "premios lo nuestro", los que llegaron solos, lo que no se vio en la gran noche de estos premios. yisus: viene angÉlica vale a contarnos todo de tu cara me suena que comienza pronto en univisiÓn. carlos: ellos son los que sufren las peores consecuencias de la guerra, te mostramos cÓmo trasladan a reciÉn nacidos de un hospital en ucrania. >> quÉdate en "despierta amÉrica" el
jugarÁ la europa league ante el gÁlata saray, despuÉs de imponerse 2 4 la policÍa el estadio digo armandoprotagonizando los deportes. >> y muchos se han pronunciado tambiÉn. carlos: este sÁbado tiene que disfrutar contÓ a la familia los partidos en univisiÓn y tudn, por la tarde arranca la temporada 20 22 mls los Ángeles contra colorado. y mÁs noche en el sÁbado futbolero el clÁsico capitalino pumas contra amÉrica en vivo por univisiÓn y tudn. lindsay: es el arranque de...