armen tenge threatened it with being thrown back into the stone age. -- armitage threatened. it is very hard for most western minds to put your head around. it is today very much at war with parts. this is a serious conflict. the attacks demonstrate that this war is not going particularly well with the pakistani army. if it's set -- if it spreads south, it may feel an economic deathblow to pakistan. why does pakistan have such a complex relationship? because of its obsession with india. the army believes and has believed for 60 years that asymmetric warfare is part of its tactics for defeating the indians. it has not succeeded. it has not worked. his view remains deeply entrenched in significant parts of the officer corps and elite. in short, the state of afghanistan could not be greater. the future of al qaeda, of the nato alliance, of possibly nuclear war and peace in south asia, all of these issues are coming together. on the 27th of march, obama focused american forces in the combat zone on disrupting, dismantling, and defeating al qaeda and destroying the sanctuary along