he wears a replica of the one that armstead wore on this momentous occasion. [applause] >> we have about ten minutes until the 9:00 hour. for those who are interested when the flag is hoisted yankee doodle is what will be played. the star-spangled banner will be played later, but historically on that september morning. the fifes and drums of the garrison played yankee doodle. it was really used like a national anthem before the "star-spangled banner" was adopted. the united states had two pieces of music that it used alternately "yankee doodle" and "hail columbia". with the adoption of the "star-spangled banner," "yankee doodle" is heard now more in historic performances. >> the gentleman had a question, he said the dawn's early light and yet, 9:00, it is not exactly dawn, it has been dawn for a while. one could simply laugh it off, however, francis scott key was asking that question. he asked the question, o say can you see by the dawn's early light. language was so important to francis scott key. some visitors were irate when they saw a question mark on an e