he is 28-year-old arnold guerra. guerra is alive but unconscious. medics work to learn the extent of his injuries. the officer discovered guerra. he was called in after another officer reported that guerra had covered the light in his cell making it difficult to see inside. >> the duty officer called us. we responded to do a check. and noticed he was hanging. he tad taken the bed sheet, tore night a strip, and i cut him down and he was still breathing. >> san antonio fire department paramedics arrive, guerra has begun to regain consciousness. >> he was on his knees hanging forward? >> no, just hanging. >> guerra, talk to me! >> one, two, three! >> although his vital signs are stabilizing guerra will still be take tine a nearby hospital for further treatment. quick action by correctional staff and medics most likely saved his life. but in the past the jail had been plagued by the specter of inmate suicide. it reached a peak three years earlier when there was five suicide in a 12-month period. >> it was a rash of suicides here at the facility. and the