two, we will do some historical contrasts between what arnold hersh referred to as the black enclaves, or what you could call the first ghetto, and what he labels as the second ghetto. we'll do some contrast between those two historical moments in american urban history. three, we will review quickly the impact of de-industrialization on northeastern and midwestern cities. four, we'll talk a bit about -- you know, and that comes from the segrew piece. and the fourth piece which refers to robert self's selection that you read, we'll talk a bit about the spatial dynamics and implications of post-war suburban/urban divides. the concentration is on oakland and southern alameda county. and the fifth thing we'll do in this lecture is raise implications of this history. and that's where the wicont piece that you read from slavery to mass incarceration comes in. and it's also where the john mcwaters piece that you read comes into play. you know, there was some comments before class about how mcwater is very strong, clear critic of a lot of what you read. and i think that it's important that w