you know, you don't hear much about goldmining anymore, but yesterday our governor, arnold schwarzennegergned a bill that will ban goldminers from using gas-powered tools to look for gold in rivers. once again, it's arnold versus the machines. apparently the new restrictions on gold digging were put in place to protect salmon, but strongly opposed by powerful mining companies and by heather mills. the governator released this video today explaining his decision to sign the bill, which actually if you listen to him makes a lot of sense. >> hello. this is governor arnold schwarzenneger with another california report. as you know, i've been in movies like "conan the bar berrian," "terminator," and other films of that nature. panning for gold is safer for the environment and so on. alyssa milano played by daughter in the movie "commando." i wonder what she's up to. thank you for listening and thank you for watching my movies on tv and laser disc. [applause] >> our governor used to be in film. >> yeah. >> another great episode of "maury povich" last night. i love it when he does the paternity